May 10, 2019
The first Poster/Pizza 2019 event will be held on May 10, 2019 from 5.30pm at "The 25".
For this session, we are honored to receive as members of the jury:
- David Bikard, head of the Synthetic Biology laboratory junior group
- Jean-Baptiste Masson, head of the Decision and Bayesian Computation laboratory junior group
- Guillaume Beauclair, Post-Doc in the Viral Genomics and Vaccination group
- Han Li, head of the Cellular Plasticity and Disease Modelling laboratory junior group
- Sven van Teeffelen, head of the Microbial Morphogenesis and Growth laboratory junior group
- Melanie Hamon, head of the Chromatin and Infection laboratory junior group
Topics will range from basic life sciences to advanced materiel and technologies. We are convinced that this will be an excellent opportunity to encourage new interactions and ideas, broaden your scientific vision, and practice sharing your work with a scientifically diverse public.
The two best posters will be awarded: one will be chosen by a jury and the other one by the public.
We invite all the Masters, P.hD. students and Post-Docs to submit their abstract before April 5, 2019 April 12, 2019 to