StaPa was formed in 2002 to help interns, graduate students, and post-docs integrate and immerse themselves into the scientific and social culture not only in the Institut Pasteur but also in France.
Your loving StaPa bureau and committee 2018-2019!

Missing: Alexandra Moine-Franel, Alexander Serov, Elodie Pothin, Sonja Kuhn
StaPa Elections
Every fall, Stapa organizes the election of the new Stapa bureau and committee. In fact, most positions are open to several candidates, so the vote is generally restricted to the president.
The election is open to the whole Stapa community (i.e. members who have subscribed to the Stapa mailing list). You can vote and run for a position in the bureau or be a part of the committee.
Organization of StaPa activities
Every year, several social and scientific activities are distributed among the members of the Stapa bureau and committee, according to your availability and preferences. Meetings are monthly scheduled to (re)define these activities, report advances, bring ideas, take new decisions etc.
These meetings are open to the whole Stapa community. Any ideas or help is highly appreciated! We recommend sending an email to the bureau to confirm the date and time of the meetings. Furthermore, Stapa members who missed the election but feel motivated should not hesitate to join the organizing team at any time of the year.