Seminar Series

These are talks from remarkable researchers about topics that are of wide interest for scientists at Institut Pasteur, other research institutions and to everyone with interest in science. These seminars are not focused on presenting topic-specific data but rather promulgate research at the edge of paradigm shifts in the way of thinking and performing research, and that also propose challenging and inspiring scientific concepts. Since 2016, seminars have been video recorded and you can be found in the Stapa Youtube channel

Previous speakers have been :

Dr. Mattias Ivarsson, Inositec, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. “Analogs of inositol hexophosphates: from
an academic discovery to a company”

Prof Dr Thomas Boehm, MPI Freiburg, Germany. “The evolution of self/nonself discrimination in adaptive immunity”

Prof Dr Antonio Lazcano, UNAM, Mexico. “The biochemical roots of the RNA World hypothesis”

Dr Thomas Pradeu, University of Bordeaux. “Are we all ecosystems? Host-symbiont interactions, development and immunity”

MD PhD Stephen Friend. Sage Bionetworks. “Exiting the age of priestly medical advice?”


If you want to propose a speaker for the next season send contact us!




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