
The committee is not bound to any task in particular but provides help to the bureau in all sorts of ways. A committee member can provide help in little things but also undertake bigger tasks and responsibilities depending on her or his initiative, motivation and ideas. This is an ideal position for people who wants to be part of the game but hesitates to join the StaPa bureau responsibilities.

Come as much as you want in the committee, and all along the year. We always welcome some help.


2018-2019 : Alexandra Maure, Alexandre Giraud Gatineau, Alexis Proutière, Alexis Voegele, Andrea Napoli, Borja Rodrigues de Francisco, Dariusz Czernecki, Florian Bakoa, Guillem Mas Fiol, Ildem Sanli, José Américo Nabuco L. F. de Freitas, Laura Barrio Cano, Magdalena Gil Taran, Nathalie Béchon, Rémi Denise, Selma Metaane, Virginia Ribeiro de Andrade, Yves-Joel Diegues

2017-2018 : Alexander Serov, Anthony Woo, Bianca Balbino, Carolina Mizuno, Dariusz Czernecki, Dylan Cherrier, Emeline Simon, Elodie Pothin, Gonzalo Moratorio, Jorge Andre Sousa, Laura Barrio, Magdalena Gil Taran, Mariano Genera, Mathieu de Jode, Nowsheen Mullani, Philippe Rascle, Samuel Hanot, Sarah Lesage, Sonja Kuhn, Yves-Joel Diegues

2016-2017 : Laura Barrio Cano, Dylan Cherrier, Joel Diegues, Jibby Frantz, Marwah Karim, Alexandra Kumichel, Matthieu Fritz, Morgan Gaia, Samuel Hanot, Pedro Hernandez, Gonzalo Moratorio, Darragh O’Brien, Laura Sinigaglia, Jorge Sousa, Jingshu Zhang

2015-2016 : Christiane Brenner, Laura Barrio Cano, Joel Diegues, Nizar Fawal, Jibby Frantz, Sonja Kuhn, Vincent Legros, Gonzalo Moratorio, Camille Rey, Dwayne Roach, Cecile Troupin, Jingshu Zhang