The president is important to set the tone of StaPa each year within the bureau and the committee on campus.
The president is at the forefront of relations with Pasteur administration and other official entities. She/he makes sure that the StaPa activities are carried out according to plan and that the budget is controlled. Of course, the president is never alone to face these duties and always has support from the bureau and the committee.
This is a position that can be demanding but is also very rewarding in terms of self-confidence, image and often great trust and friendship with the bureau and committee members.
People2018-2019 : Mathieu de Jode
2017-2018 : Borja Rodriguez de Francisco
2016-2017 : Carolina Mizuno
2015-2016 : Claire Pancrace
2014-2015 : Henri Jupille
2013-2014 : Ambroise Lambert
2012-2013 : Jason Bland
2011-2012 : François Vromman
2010-2011 : Alexandre Dufour
2009-2010 : Alexandre Dufour
2008-2009 : Séverine Collin
2007-2008 : Elodie Brient-Litzler
2006-2007 : Muriel Tauzin
2005-2006 : Damian Page
2004-2005 : Ramkumar Samhasivan
2003-2004 : Déborah Braun
2002-2003 : Alix de la Coste (ép. Maure)